Halloween steht vor der Tür. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Einige Amerikaner nehmen die Dekoration ihres Hauses tatsächlich sehr ernst. Gespart wird nirgends. Weder an Lichtern noch an angsteinflößenden Installationen. Manche Nachbarn gehen sogar so weit, dass sie komplette Friedhöfe aufbauen. Tagsüber ist das ja schon eine Erfahrung, aber nachts... wow!
Auch das CVA überraschte mit neuem Einrichtungskonzept.
Halloween is almost here. A few Americans take this very seriously. Especially when we talk about decorating their houses. Don't save money! Spend it on lights and scary installations. Some go so far as bulding up cemeteries in their front yard. During the day it's fun but at night it's intense... wow!
Plus: The CVA building on Summit Ave surprised me with a new interior design.
outside. |
missing students? |
rest in pieces? |
nice detail. |
how many spiders do you need to... |
... do this? |
wow. |
the office is closed... |
happy halloween. |
evil pumpkin. |
evil pumpkin the second. |
disturbing. |
what's going on in the bathroom? |
holy s***... |
sparkling isn't always cute. |
omg. |
pumpkin eggs? |
just wanna leave the building... |
... and buy some halloween cookies. |
daytime. |
the ghosts are moving inside... |
nighttime. |
giant pumpkin. |
scary. |
they have all the good stuff. |
plus a giant scary pumpkin. |
and lights. |
and a graveyard. |
including skulls. |
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