
weeks of fun.

Während der letzten Wochen war meine Hauptbeschäftigung, meine Hausaufgaben zu machen. Nebenbei habe ich so um die 3-4 Stunden Schlaf pro Nacht gehabt und ab und an was gegessen. Wahrnehmen sozialer Kontakte war nicht möglich und ich entschuldige mich dafür. Trotzdem habe ich die eine oder andere Sache dann doch noch fotografisch festhalten können.

During the last couple of weeks my main job was doing homework. Additionally I only got 3-4 hours of sleep per night and ate infrequently. Keeping in touch with my social contacts was impossible and I do apologize for that. Nevertheless, I took photos of a few rare moments.

mickey's diner haven't closed since 1939.
small music box, put in a quarter and choose.
crazy german - we had to lock her up in the car.
down at the mississippi river.
the mississippi river.
fall is coming to town.
traffic lights - seriously?
marathon at summit ave.
come on - just one more mile.
dudes, are they cheating?
beautiful leaves changing color.
cute entrance.
seriously - 3 pounds of gummi bears.
shopping at target - 2 hours later.
indian summer.
modern art?
pissed off?

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